Every year a strong team does everything in its power to ensure that the cross country skiing marathon “South Tyrol Moonlight Classic Alpe di Siusi” is a resounding success. A very warm thank-you to all of you for all your constructive collaboration and a plea for your continued commitment.


President Robert Gobbo 
Vice President Daniel Perathoner
OC Team Philipp Silbernagl (Kassier/Cassiere), Sandro Giacomuzzi, Christian Prossliner, Dieter Tröbinger
Press  Sportissimus, Hannes Kröss hk media
Social Media  Michael Malfertheiner 
Secretariat Martina Rier, Associazione turistica Alpe di Siusi
Organizer Associazione turistica Alpe di Siusi


Chief of Competition Lukas Kostner
Timing Datasport AG/SpA 
Race Office and Bib Distribution Associazione turistica Alpe di Siusi
Angelika Hinteregger, Annemarie Obexer, Philipp Silbernagl, Dieter Tröbinger 
Responsible Start & Finish Egon Trocker, Walter Demetz
Track Lighting Lukas Kostner, Matthias Höllrigl, Philipp Hinteregger, Philipp Santer, Thomas Höllrigl, Vigili del fuoco Alpe di Siusi
Moderator  Silvia Fontanive, Martin Rabensteiner
Awards Ceremony
Sandro Giacomuzzi
Emergency Services
Soccorso Alpino Siusi allo Sciliar e Carabinieri Castelrotto
Carabinieri Castelrotto
Vigili del fuoco volontari Alpe di Siusi
Catering Compatsch
Robert Gobbo, Christian Prossliner, Sezione slittini Fiè allo Sciliar
Catering Ritsch
Kurt Malfertheiner
Catering Sanon
Lukas Kostner
Catering Goldknopf
Peter Malfertheiner
Catering Spitzbühl
Arnold Sitterli
Medical Services
Dr. Bernhard Rainer, CityClinic Bolzano
Track Marshals + Securing Pistes
AS Castelrotto, AS Alpe di Siusi, AS Fiè allo Sciliar, Vigili del fuoco volontari reparto 5, LG Schlern, Scuola Sci Sciliar 3000, Scuola Sci Alpe di Siusi
Lukas Kostner, Dieter Tröbinger, Norman Kostner
Piste Grooming
Beautification association of the holiday region Alpe di Siusi:
Heinrich Hofer, Stefan Prossliner, Leonhard Wanker


Dr. Arno Kompatscher Governor of South Tyrol
Cristina Pallanch
Mayor Castelrotto
Helmuth Mitterstieler
President Alpe di Siusi Marketing
Kurt Malfertheiner
President Tourism Association Alpe di Siusi
Michael Eppacher Manager forestry station Castelrotto Station
Maresciallo Ca. Alberto Lucarini
Commander Carabinieri Castelrotto Station
Lukas Gasslitter
Commander of the Seiser Alm volunteer fire brigade
Armin Nicolussi
Manager Mountain Rescue Service Siusi allo Sciliar

Busunternehmen Silbernagl Shuttle Service

Furthermore, we would like to thank the lift operators and the accommodation providers and catering outlets of Alpe di Siusi, who contribute every year to the success of the event, all farmers and landowners for their understanding, all helpers not mentioned by name, and the Carabinieri Alpine Skiing Unit stationed on Alpe di Siusi.